
Viber out jak dziala
Viber out jak dziala

viber out jak dziala

That person will receive a notification that they were mentioned, even if they’ve muted the group chat. In order to mention a user within a group chat, type and choose the name of the person or people within that group chat you’d like to mention. Mentions guarantees you don’t miss out on anything. Group chats are extremely useful when you want to keep in touch with a number of people at once, However, if you happen to be away from your phone for a few hours, you might end up missing out on an important message. Add or remove a contact whenever you like and name your list so you don’t have to re-choose the people in it. Create lists of two or more people from your Viber contacts who you’d like to send the same message to. After all, it could be awkward to put friends from different circles of life in the same group chat, just to invite them to your yard sale. Then type your message, tap search to find the background style you prefer and press send.īroadcast Lists enable you to send the same message to a number of unconnected recipients who wouldn’t go in the same group chat together (for example, your grandmother and best friend). Simply choose the Shots option in Chat Extensions. You can choose from over 20 colorful backgrounds and make your message stand out in a stream of messages. Shouts is perfect for the times you want your message to stand out in one-on-one chats, groups or Communities. Learn how to create a favorites list on Chat Extensions or start deleting messages you didn’t mean to send – It’s all in a day’s use! These 8 hacks will help you get the most out of your experience on Viber, and in case you’re a Viber for Desktop user you can always reference the hacks post we’ve created for you.

Viber out jak dziala